The essay question i picked is
'Advertising doesn't sell things; all advertising does is change the way people think or feel' (Jeremy Bullmore). Evaluate this statement with reference to selected critical theories (past and present).
Here are some books which i may find useful for the essay..
Aronson, Elliot & Pratkins, Anthony (2001) 'Age of Propaganda' New York, USA. Henry Holt and Company
Berger, John (1972) 'Ways of seeing' London, UK. British Broadcasting Corporation
Bullmore, Jeremy (2003) 'More Bullmore Behind the Scenes In Advertising', 3rd edition, Oxfordshire, UK. World Advertising Research Center
Dyer, Gillian (1996) 'Advertising as Communication' London, UK. Methuen & Co LTD
Williamson, Judith (1995) 'Decoding Advertisements' London, UK. Marion Boyars