This image of the band 'The Jimi Hendrix Experience' shows the three members of the band photographed at Heathrow airport in 1967. The first signifier that jumps out at you in the image is Jimi Hendrix. He is situated right in the middle of the image, this connotes that he is the main focus of the photograph which is quite obvious because the bands name is 'The Jimi Hendrix Experience'. This focus on the main signifier is backed up by the fact that Noel Reading and Mitch Mitchell, who play bass and drums in the band and looking away from the camera and into the distance.
This also may have connotations of racial differences within the band. Jimi Hendrix is the only black person in the band and is the only band member who is looking at the camera or at you in this image. The photograph is black and white, this has connotations that it is an old photograph and that the band is made up of both black and white musicians whos message was of peace and love which having a black and white photograph could be a statement that it doesn't matter what colour your skin is.
Jimi Hendrix is seen holding some vinyl records which denotes the fact that he listened to music but it also connotes that played and listened to music all the time, he lived and breathed it. This is also point is also stranthged by the fact that he has just walked of a plane and is on a runway but is still holding a few of his records with him because he would have been listening or looking at them on the plane.
The first and second album were realised in 1967 when this photo was taken, this was the peak of the bands popularity and they are seen holding their own luggage. This has connotations that the band, although extremely popular, were still real people and not untouchable super stars because they still carried there own luggage.
The signifier of the guitar seen being held by Noel Reading connotes that they are musicians and that they loved making and playing music so much that they took the guitar everywhere with them including a plane.Noel Reading who actually played the guitar and not the bass, but because Jimi Hendrix was a far more talented guitarist the job was given to him, is seen clutching the guitar it connotes that Reading wanted to be the guitarist in the band ad was jealous of Jimis talent.
The signifier of the bands clothes connotes that they are a very fashionable band becuase their clothes that they are wearing were very popular at the time. The signifier Jimi Hendrixs trousers which are bright crisp looking and probably very new signified that the band are making lots of money through their new found popularity and therfore are buying lots of new clothes, guitars and music.